The firm was founded by Mr.L.Govindraj, who has over 50 years standing at the Karnataka High Court Bar. He has through his illustrious practise represented various public corporations and statutory authorities apart from practising on the original side. He takes pride in considering himself a complete lawyer, finely balancing private interest of his clients and the ends of justice. He is also a graduate in English literature and used to teach at Universities.

His mentorship imbued with values and flair for the written word has greatly influenced and inspired the members of the firm.

Mr.Arun Govindraj is presently heading and managing the firm. He has been practising in a wide range of areas for over 23 years. As a former state level badminton champion, he brings the same dedication and force into his practise.

His unparalleled attention to detail and nuanced understanding of the law has earned him the respect of his peers and the loyalty of his clients. Over the years, he has gained eminence particularly in the area of Family Law, Municipal /Apartment Laws and International Divorce & Child Custody. Like Mr.L.Govindraj, he also believes in adopting a more practical approach to issues and securing best possible outcomes.

The firm also houses a talented team of young and ambitious advocates passionate towards litigation and contributing to society. Under the effective guidance of the Senior Associates, they constantly grow in standing and proficiency in law.